
International Transport - CIS

The Charging Information System (CIS) web application provides information on indicative charges for the use of the European rail infrastructure and calculates the preliminary/indicative price of an international train path.

Access to the application is free of charge, without user registration. More detailed information is available on the RNE CIS website: or contact RNE CIS support:

Link na  aplikáciu CIS

Domestic Transport - charges

 As of 1st January 2019, the maximum amount of charges for the access to railway infrastructure and service facilities shall be governed by Measure No. 2/2018 of the Transport Authority of 7 September 2018 setting the charges for the access to railway infrastructure and service facilities (hereinafter referred to as “Measure No. 2/2018”), while the maximum amount of charges shall not be exceeded.

Reduced payments from the maximum payments - effective from 1st Janauary 2025 
With effect from 1st January 2025, ŽSR will provide the following reduced payments from the maximum payments specified in Measure No. 2/2018 of the Transport Authority of 7th September 2018, as amended:

A. Performances of regular freight trains running on the day of the scheduled journey according to the timetable and trains, as required, ordered by the railway undertaking to the timetable running on the day on which they could have been introduced according to the timetable
     1.)   For trains whose total actual performance in a single journey was 299.999 km or less (excluding Mn handling trains, Vlec siding trains and national relay trains) the following reduced payments apply:
              a.) reduction of the minimum access package UMP (U1,U2,U3 and U4) by 50 % of the railway infrastructure usage charge,
             b.) a reduction of the charge for access to marshalling yards and train marshalling facilities, including shunting facilities, and for access to freight terminals of which ŽSR is the sole operator (USZ3 charge) by 90% of the railway infrastructure usage charge. 

     2.)   For trains whose total actual performance in a single journey has reached 300,000 km or more (excluding Mn handling trains, Vlec siding trains and national relay trains) the following reduced payments apply:
             a.) reduction of the reimbursement for the minimum UMP access package (U1,U2,U3 and U4) by 70% of the railway infrastructure usage charge,
            b.) a reduction of the charge for access to marshalling yards and train marshalling facilities, including shunting facilities, and for access to freight terminals of which ŽSRis the sole operator (USZ3 charge) by 90% of the railway infrastructure usage charge. 

    3.)   For Mn handling trains, Vlec siding trains and national relay trains and 1st consecutive national relay trains the following reduced payments apply:
             a.) reduction of the minimum UMP access package (U1,U2,U3 and U4) by 90% of the railway infrastructure usage charge,
            b.) a reduction of the charge for access to marshalling yards and train marshalling facilities, including shunting facilities, and for access to freight terminals of which ŽSR is the sole operator (USZ3 charge) by 90% of the railway infrastructure usage charge. 

B. Realised performance of ad hoc trains in freight transport  
       1. For ad-hoc freight trains, a reduced payment for access to marshalling yards and train marshalling facilities, including shunting facilities, and for access to freight terminals of which ŽSR is the sole operator (USZ3 payment) applies by 90% of the charge for the use of railway infrastructure.
        2. For ad-hoc intermodal trains whose total actual performance has reached 300,000 km or more, the following reduced payments apply:
             a) reduction of the payment for the minimum UMP access package (U1,U2,U3 and U4) by 70 % of the railway infrastructure usage charge,
            b) a reduction of the charge for access to marshalling yards and train marshalling facilities, including shunting facilities, and for access to freight terminals of which ŽSR is the sole operator (USZ3 charge) by 90% of the railway infrastructure usage charge. 

C. Unrealised performance in freight transport   
        For unrealised performances in freight transport, which could not be realised for reasons on the side of ŽSR, a reduced payment for ordering and allocation of capacity (U1 payment) of            100 % of the charge for the railway infrastructure usage shall be applied. 

D. Specification of the conditions for the application of reduced payments     
D1. A national serial train and its 1st consecutive train are considered to be:   
       1. )  Train number series 60000-69999 with a load as defined in the freight transport timetable Service Manual Train Plan and the Timetable 2024/2025 Implementation Order,  
       2.)  Train starting and ending from/at a train formation station on the ŽSR network,
       3.)  A train carrying rolling stock, i.e. a locomotive train is not considered to be a session train.  

D2. A regular timetable train and a demand train ordered by the railway undertaking in the timetable running on a day when it could have been introduced under the timetable shall not be considered as a regular train under the timetable:   
       1.  which was introduced on a day other than the day on which it was scheduled to run under the timetable or could have been introduced under the timetable,  
       2.  which has changed train number within its route (regardless of whether the change of number is from one regular train to another regular train, etc.).

This condition does not apply to trains:
a. for which the change of train number was already considered during the construction of the timetable (e.g. sidings)
b. the change of train number occurred due to reasons on the side of ŽSR (diversionary journeys due to closures, accidents on the ŽSR network).
c. in which the train number was changed in railway station Bratislava-Lamač for reasons on the part of ŽSR in order to ensure the smoothness of traffic due to the difficult conditions for understanding the departure trains of freight traffic by written orders in railway station Bratislava-Lamač.

The carrier must apply for a reduced payment to Department of Transport of ŽSR Directorate General no later than 5 working days after the train journey has taken place. 

D3. Reduced payment for non-performed services   
      Reduced payment for non-performance is applied only in the case of diversionary journeys due to extraordinary events on the ŽSR network for a part of the route or the whole train route that could not be used due to the extraordinary event. The carrier must apply for the application of the reduced reimbursement to Department of Transport of ŽSR Directorate General no later than 5 working days after the diverted train has been run. If the train is not diverted, the reduced payment cannot be applied.   

D4. Application of reduced payments for ad hoc combined transport trains over 300 km:   
     Reduced payment for ad-hoc combined transport trains will be granted under the following conditions:   
          1.  a railway undertaking enters the Train Designation NexKD or PnKD when ordering the train in the IS PIS (Route Order, OSS Order, Simplified Order). 
          2.  2/3 of the wagons in the train set must be loaded, of which at least 1/3 with intermodal transport units - in the train set the Supplementary wagon data - 01 or 02 must be specified.   
         3.  no change of train composition in terms of coupling or uncoupling of wagons has been made at the sidings (replacement of a locootive is permitted) - i.e. it is a complete train.    

D5. Non-application of reduced payments
Reduced payments will not be applied to trains for which it has been established that the railway undertaking has provided incorrect train composition data, which may result in an incorrect calculation of payments for the use of railway infrastructure. Such incorrect data is considered to be:
            -  incorrect train weight
            -  incorrect series and traction of the active motive railway rolling stock.   

These reduced payments will be provided by ŽSR until further notice, but no later than 31 December 2025. Updating of the amount of reduced payments is always expected to be made on the basis of periodic changes of the timetable.








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