ŽSR Výskumný a vývojový ústav železníc

Central Non-Destructive Testing Department

The Central Non-Destructive Testing Department (ÚDSŽ) performs the function of the top professional Non-Destructive  body for ŽSR. It cooperates directly with the “Certification Body for Non-Destructive Testing Personnel on Railways” (COO NSD), which verifies the professional competence of the staff performing Non-Destructive  activities at and for ŽSR. Furthermore, the ÚDSŽ within scope of its activities:

  • assesses proposals for the creation of Non-Destructive centres and Non-Destructive workplaces, their scope of work, instrumentation and the prescribed qualifications of employees,
  • cooperates in drawing up the conditions for ensuring Non-Destructive tests and inspections performed at and for ŽSR,
  • performs calibration of the used Non-Destructive instruments in accordance with the regulation “Metrological Regulations of ŽSR” and regularly checks the used instruments and equipment,
  • draws up expert opinions when providing new instrumentation,
  • elaborates new technological procedures of Non-Destructive tests on request,
  • verifies and approves technological procedures developed outside the ÚDSŽ and cooperates with the relevant internal organisational units in their implementation,
  • cooperates in the statistical evaluation of the results of the Non-Destructive tests and inspections carried out,
  • keeps central records of technological procedures used within ŽSR,
  • draws up expert opinions and assesses improvement proposals in the field of Non-Destructive,
  • in disputable cases of evaluation of the results of Non-Destructive tests, it provides an advisory service and, upon request, also verification tests,
  • performs complex and special Non-Destructive tests and inspections on request, develops the methodology and determines the criteria for the evaluation of these Non-Destructive tests,
  • cooperates in development of regulations in the field of Non-Destructive,
  • acquaints employees with newly introduced instrumentation and provides training on its operation based on the request.


Ing. Tibor Lanča

Head of Division for Non-Destructive, Metrology and Expertise Activities


Phone: 02/2029 2270, 0911 994 127
E-mail: lanca.tibor@zsr.sk
Address: Nobelova 50, 831 02 Bratislava

Ing. Rudolf Chyla

Head of Central Non-Destructive Testing Department 


Phone: 02/2029 5789, 0911 988 081
E-mail: chyla.rudolf@zsr.sk
Address: Nobelova 50, 831 02 Bratislava