ŽSR Výskumný a vývojový ústav železníc

Central Railway Metrology Centre


Activities provided:

   - Activities provided:

  • length,
  • pressure,
  • temperature,
  • electrical quantities.

  - Internal audits in the field of metrology at ŽSR carried out in accordance with regulation Op 12

  - Performance of calibration laboratory activities of an administrative nature:

  • Record of handing-over the calibrated gauge from calibration laboratory,
  • Record of taking-over the calibrated gauge from the calibration laboratory,
  • Confirmation of the condition of the gauge,
  • Confirmation of removing the gauge from the metrological records,
  • Guidelines for cooperation with metrological laboratories,
  • Issuance of Calibration Certificates.

  - Assessing the competence KMM at ŽSR and outside railway organizations.

  - Proposal for removing DHM gauges from metrological and physical records.


Ing. Tibor Lanča 

Head of Division for Defectoscopy, Metrology and Expertise Activities


Phone: 02/2029 2270, 0911 994 127
E-mail: lanca.tibor@zsr.sk
Address: Nobelova 50, 831 02 Bratislava

Jozef Ursíny

Head of Central Railway Metrology Centre


Phone: 043/229 3120, 0911 994 110
E-mail: ursiny.jozef@zsr.sk
Address: Železničná 10, 038 61 Vrútky