ŽSR Výskumný a vývojový ústav železníc

Expertse and consulting activity

  • As part of the cooperation with the Testing Laboratory, the Railway Research and Development Institute carries out verification of conformity of railway mobile equipment in accordance with the legislation, elaborates test methodologies, assesses technical and drawing documentation and prepares documents for its approval, which are related to the performance of measurements ad tests.
  • Performs technical inspections of rail vehicles within the meaning of Decree 351/2010 Coll., on the basis of the mandate of the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic, as well as within the meaning of the Regulation of the Director General No. 17/2010 on ensuring the performance of tests of rail vehicles;
  • Performs safety inspections of rail vehicles after accidents, after violet damages and after  expiry of the validity period of technical inspections in accordance with §32 of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 513/2009 Coll. and the completed test OS 54 – ŽSR.
  • Performs and provides maintenance function in the certified entity ECM ŽSR VVÚŽ CDV, which is responsible for maintenance and certification of maintenance functions of freight wagons on the ŽSR;
  • Carries out the measurement of noise emitted by rolling stock and the measurement of the determinants of noise in the external environment;
  • Performs and provides selected activities of diagnostics of bridges, bridge-like structures and buildings within the ŽSR infrastructure, cooperates in practical applications of its results, as well as in long-term monitoring and evaluation;
  • Ensures the development and updating of regulations, standards and databases in the framework of EU legislative processes in terms of TSIs, UIC leaflets, STN, EN standards and related regulations;
  • Cooperates with universities, research and scientific institutions, participates in scientific teams; 
  • Actively engages in scientific and research publication and opponent activities.


E-mail: vvuzza@zsr.sk
Address: Hviezdoslavova 31, 010 02 Žilina