Department of revision activities of railway track and structures
The department provides and performs the following activities.
A. Revisions on bridges and bridge-like structures:
- carries out revision activities on bridges and bridge-like structures, including preparation of inspection reports,
- performs NDT – detailed inspections of supporting steel structures, bridges and bridge-like structures of lifting equipment,
- keeps records of revisions carried out,
- long-term monitoring and evaluation of selected buildings,
- carries out extraordinary revisions in accordance with TS 5 regulation on bridges, bridge-like structures, including the preparation of inspection reports,
- carries out revisions of GSM-R steel masts.
- Performing specified NDT activities, their scope and conditions, based on the Authorizations pursuant to § 17 of the Act of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic No. 513/2009 Coll. on railways.
- Carrying out revision activities on bridges and bridge-like structures in accordance with Decree No. 350/2010 Coll. of the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the Slovak Republic on construction and technical regulations of railways.
- Carrying out revision activities on steel masts in accordance with STN 732612 Evaluation and maintenance of steel structures. Telecommunication and lighting steel poles.
- All activities are carried out for internal units within ŽSR as well as for external customers outside ŽSR.
Revision of the upper stiffening of the main girders using the MVTV platform and revision of the massive bridge using a high-lift platform
Revisions of GSM R steel masts
B. Revisions on specified technical equipment:
- revisions and tests on specified technical lifting equipment,
- inspections of steel structures of lifting equipment by non-destructive testing on specified technical lifting equipment,
- revisions and tests on specified technical transport equipment,
- revisions and test on specified technical gas equipment,
- revisions and tests on specified technical pressure equipment.
- Performing specified activities, their scope and conditions, based on the Authorizations pursuant to § 17 of the Act of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic No. 513/2009 Coll. on railways.
- Employees carry out the specified activities as technically competent persons – revision technicians in accordance with the Certificates of proficiency pursuant to § 18 of the Act of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic No. 513/2009 Coll. on railways, which define the scope of their activities.
- All specified activities are performed for internal units within ŽSR as well as for external customers outside ŽSR.
C. Revisions on designated technical equipment:
- Professional inspections and examinations on designated technical pressure equipment.
- Professional inspections and examinations on designated technical lifting equipment.
- Professional inspections and examinations on designated technical gas equipment.
- Carrying out designated activities, their scope and conditions, based on the Authorizations pursuant to § 15 of the Act of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic No. 124/2006 Coll. on safety and health protection at work.
- Employees carry out designated activities as technically competent persons – revision technicians in accordance with the Certificates of proficiency pursuant to § 16 of the Act of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic No. 124/2006 Coll. on safety and health protection at work, which define the scope of their activities.
- All designated activities are performed for internal units within ŽSR as well as for external customers outside ŽSR.
Pressure vessels – repeated inspections and tests of pressure equipment
Vertical lifting platform designed for use by a person with reduced mobility – repeated inspections of lifting equipment
Ing. Štefan VRAVEC
Head of Division of Railway Tracks and Structures
Phone: | 051/229 3380, 0903 909 411 |
E-mail: | |
Address: | Radlinského 10, 080 01 Prešov |
Head of Department of Revision Activity of Railway Tracks and Structures
Phone: | 051/229 3353, 0911 778 616 |
E-mail: | |
Address: | Radlinského 10, 080 01 Prešov |