ŽSR Výskumný a vývojový ústav železníc

Technical inspections

Verification of the technical capability of rolling stock, carrying out technical inspections of rolling stock, carrying out tests of rolling stock – railways, tramways, special railways, including historical railway vehicles, are carried out in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic No. 43748/2022/SŽDD/125402 of December 12, 2022.

Pursuant to § 24 of Act No. 513/2009 Coll. on railways and on amendments to certain acts and § 93 of the Decree No. 351/2010 Coll. on regulations concerning carriage by rail of the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications.

The safety inspections of railway vehicles are carried out to determine the method of transport to the destination after accidents, violent damage and after the expiry of the technical inspection.

Ing. Jozef KOVAĽ

Head of Railway Vehicle Centre


Phone: 057/229 6140, 0911 066 983
E-mail: koval.jozef@zsr.sk
Address: Staničná 4, 066 01 Humenné

Ing. Tibor POLYÁK

Specialist of Railway Vehicle Centre


Phone: 037/229 8794, 0911 994 129
E-mail: polyak.tibor@zsr.sk
Address: ŽST Lužianky TIP, Dolné hony, 949 01 Nitra


Specialist of Railway Vehicle Centre


Phone: 043/229 5541, 0911 820 753
E-mail: zajasensky.marian@zsr.sk
Address: Železničná 10, 038 61 Vrútky


Quality manager of VVÚŽ


Tel.: 02/2029 5786, 0911 830 967
E-mail: helembai.jozef@zsr.sk
Address: Nobelova 50, 831 02 Bratislava

Róbert VANEK

Diagnostician – Specialist of DMP


Tel.: 02/2029 2882, 0911 086 811
E-mail: vanek.robert@zsr.sk
Address: Nobelova 50, 831 02 Bratislava