ŽSR Výskumný a vývojový ústav železníc

Technical safety testing


Technical safety testing (hereinafter referred to as TBS) is carried out according to § 23 of Act No. 513/2009 Coll. on railways and on amendments to certain acts on designated lines of the Railways of the Slovak Republic.

The term technical safety testing of rolling stock means a set of actions and activities by which a legal entity authorized by the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic through a test commissioner verifies, within the framework of verification of the technical capability of the rolling stock, whether the rail vehicle complies with the production documentation and the conditions of railway operation, whether it is functional and whether it guarantees a permanent safe operation.  

The technical safety testing shall be carried out when approval is granted for test runs or trial operation, when authorizing a new type or its substantial change, when importing, in case of newly delivered rolling stock and after any modification and reconstruction of rolling stock that affects the safe operation of rolling stock or its performance.

Ing. Jozef KOVAĽ 

Head of Railway Vehicle Centre – Test Commissioner of the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic


Phone: 057/229 6140, 0911 066 983
E-mail: koval.jozef@zsr.sk
Address: Staničná 4, 066 01 Humenné