ŽSR Železničné telekomunikácie

Data Center - Housing

Data Center - Housing

ŽT’s „Data Center – Housing“ is the basic Data Center service. It is the space for rent to the customer, which is equipped for the continuous, safe and reliable operation of ITC equipment.


  • required floor space area for rent:
    - m2
  • energy availability:
    -  redundant/backup power supply available in Trier 3 standard,
    - measurement of electricity consumption
  • air conditioning:
    - using modular air conditioning units in redundant mode
  • physical security:
    - CCTV systems, multiple access control including PIN code and security signaling
  • fire safety:
    - electric fire signaling and fluorinated gas based fire extinguishing equipment
  • monitoring of operating parameters
    - all operation conditions (temperature, humidity, power, etc.) are monitored and supervised through a single monitoring system
  • connectivity
    - internal – interconnection at multiple levels with n x 10 Gbps capacity,
    - external – interconnection to major SIX and Sitel peering centers over own optical network.