ŽSR Železničné telekomunikácie

International Data Exchange

International Data Exchange

For the efficient and safe operation of train traffic, it is important to ensure the exchange of necessary data between operators and carriers, not only at national but also at international level.

The private network “HERMES VPN” is established within the rail telecommunication networks. In order to ensure communication and access to the international data exchange, the customer must be securely connected and configured to the “HERMES VPN” network, which is an important task for connection provider. 

For provision of this service, the Railway Telecommunication ensures:

  • data transmission,
  • configuration and operation of communication software,
  • access server management of „HERMES VPN“ network,
  • OS management,
  • contact with foreign countries to solve configurations and problems,
  • managing, monitoring production and testing systems for MVD,
  • management and monitoring HIT Rail, Raildata certified applications,
  • providing 24/7 Hotline services with all systems connected to HERMES VPN network.

Service is provided to an external customer:

  • to ensure the issuance of international reservations
    (ZSSK within IKVC service (Innovative Complex Service for Passengers)),
  • to provide two-way communication when exchanging messages, wagon lists with consignment note items and consignment data (ZSSK Cargo).