ŽSR Železničné telekomunikácie

Lease of digital telecommunication circuits


ŽT Line is a product line of the Railway Telecommunications through which we offer you the lease of digital telecommunication circuits.

The products from the ŽT Line product line will enable you to build secure private data and voice networks of any typology. These are especially suitable for companies for which the connection and mutual communication between the center and remote offices, whether at home or abroad, are necessary.

These are also intended for alternative providers of telecommunication services who do not have their own telecommunication infrastructure.

The ŽT Line product line offers a transparent and virtual guaranteed digital connection, which is charged by a simple and advantageous monthly flat fee depending only on the selected transmission speed without any further restrictions in terms of circuit length, time or volume of transmitted data. 

If you are interested in our offer, we bring to your attention more detailed information here:

 Product sheetDOWNLOAD

 General business conditions DOWNLOAD