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Titulok: Questionnaire to members of UIC 502

Pokračuj v čítaní alebo preskoč na hlavné menu. Iné možnosti: Prejdi na Hlavné sekcie; Vyhľadávanie; Kontakty ŽSR; Pätičku stránky.

Questionnaire to members of UIC 502 working group concerning the usage of IT solutions in preparation and management of exceptional consignments

The aim of this questionnaire is to gather information about using IT tools for preparing and managing of exceptional consignments (EC) and to identify interest of creation standardised digital communication in this area. Your answers will help to analyse current state and to propose necessary steps in case of next developing.

 1. Company data

 2. Usage of IT tools for EC:

 3. Influence with developing of IT tool:

 4. Digital EC management :

 5. Additional requirements:


Thank you for your participation. Your answers will be stored and processed in internal system of ŽSR. Presentation of results from this questionnaire preferentially within UIC 502 working group.


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