The Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic authorised the Railway Research and Development Institute by Certificate No. 03484/2016/C350-SŽDD/02376 dated 15 February 2016 to perform the tasks of a professional defectoscopy body for the technical equipment of railways and railway vehicles and its organisational unit „Certification body for non-destructive testing personnel on railways“ based in Bratislava to verify the professional competence (certification of persons). |
The certification body for non-destructive testing personnel on railways is, based on Certificate of Accreditation No. 009 from SNAS (Slovak National Accreditation Service), qualified according to requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17024 to perform certification of persons carrying out non-destructive testing of materials and components of rolling stock, bridge structures and other railway equipment within their operation and maintenance and through the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development it is an authorized certification and qualification body for NDT (non-destructive testing of materials) personnel in the methods UT, MT, ET, PT, VT and RT according to EN ISO 9712 and UIC Leaflet 960 in the industrial sector „Railway transport". |
The Accredited Body „Certification body for non-destructive testing personnel on railways“ understands the importance of impartiality in conducting certification activities, managing conflicts of interest and ensuring objectivity in certification activities. |
The obtained certification in the sector „Railway Transport“ entitles non-destructive testing personnel to carry out defectoscopy tests in the field of railway operators, railway carriers, manufacturers and repairers of railway vehicles and metal structures. The subject of defectoscopic inspections are welds, track equipment, railway steel bridge structures and bridge-like structures, railway vehicles and their components and pressure equipment. |
Ing. Andrea Baková
Head of Certification body for non-destructive testing personnel on railways (COO NSD)
Phone: | 02/2029 7782, 0903 710 806 |
E-mail: | |
Address: | Nobelova 50, 831 02 Bratislava |
Ing. Rudolf Chyla
Examination Commissioner of Certification body for non-destructive testing personnel on railways (COO NSD)
Phone: | 02/2029 5789, 0911 988 081 |
E-mail: | |
Address: | Nobelova 50, 831 02 Bratislava |