Network Statement 2026 1,85 MB
1.A List of used definitions 207,78 kB
1.3.1 European Union railway transport legilation 481,4 kB
2.3 Scheme of railway infrastructure managed by ŽSR 542,31 kB
2.3.3.A List of TP category for passenger transport 729 kB
2.3 List of TP category for freight transport 804,72 kB
2.3.4 Vehicle static profile and table of half-width of the loading dimension 444,69 kB
3.3.1 Framework agreement - template 338,49 kB
3.3.2 Contract for access to the railway infrastructure - template 574,46 kB
4.2.1 Acceptance of railway undertaking authoriazation by the applicant 366,44 kB
4.2.A Train path order to annual timetable - template 31,5 kB
4.2.B Ad hoc train path order - template 180,02 kB
4.5.A Working schedule timetable planning process 279,96 kB
4.5.B Infrastructure capacity 483,94 kB
4.9 TTR for Smart Capacity Management 575,71 kB
4.10 Capacity Allocation Principles for the RFCs 705,26 kB
5.2.B Measure No. 2/2018 of the Transport Authority of 17 September 2018 determining the payment for access to railway infrastructure and service facilities_ ta.pdf 224,27 kB
5.3 Category of railway lines for charging purposes 548,11 kB
5.4.2 List of raiway stations with provision of train pre-heating 226,28 kB
5.7 The agreement on common measures to ensure the quality of traffic on railway infrastructure - template-template.pdf 615,23 kB
6.1.A The simplified technical prodedures of operations for freight trains 412,38 kB
6.1.B List of railway stations where teh simplified technical procedures of operations for freight trains do not apply 427,75 kB
6.2.A Application to the IM for granting a derogation from B1 level of language proficienty for train drivers (templete) 304,28 kB
6.2.B Conditions of Železnice Slovenskej republiky for granting a derogation from B1 level of language proficiency for train drivers 204,77 kB
6.2.C Conditions for evaluation of applications to the IM for granting a derogation from B1 level of language proficienty for trains drivers 208,75 kB List of traffic points with rental spaces intended for ticketing services 388,8 kB Contract on the use of locations forticketing services - template 316,85 kB General terms and conditions for the use of location for ticketing services 599,66 kB
7.3.4 Provision of shunting operations and technical office services 295,99 kB